Tracer ALPD Membership

Tracer Power Joins The ALPD

Continuing to support creatives bring their vision to life.

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At Tracer Power, we thrive on collaboration, and are incredibly proud to work with with professionals in the dynamic world of production lighting. We take incredible pride in helping to bring their creative visions to vibrant life! Whether it is powering lighting in media production or live performance, we’re dedicated to providing adaptable power solutions that exceed the needs of our users.

From crafting captivating scenes with innovative lighting setups or ensuring seamless power for intricate props and costumes, our solutions redefine what’s possible in the realms of media production and storytelling.

That’s why we’re thrilled to announce our recent corporate membership with the esteemed Association of Lighting Production and Design (ALPD). This partnership is a testament to our unwavering commitment to delivering top-tier power solutions to lighting experts everywhere.

But our excitement doesn’t stop there. Through our membership, we support the Sponsored Student Scheme, offering students in the field a complimentary one-year membership to the ALPD. We recognize the significance of fostering excellent opportunities for the upcoming generation of professionals and look forward to the potential growth of this partnership with the ALPD.

Introducing the ALPD?

The Association for Lighting Production and Design (ALPD) represents individuals involved in lighting for live performances and events. From seasoned designers to technicians and programmers, ALPD welcomes professionals across performance lighting disciplines.

Their journey began informally in 1961, with theatre lighting designers gathering at Rules Restaurant in Covent Garden. Today, ALPD boasts over 400 members spanning roles from Lighting and Video Designers to Installers, contributing to a vast Performance Lighting industry.

At the core of their mission lie several key aims:

Together with the ALPD, we’re poised to ignite new possibilities, inspire innovation, and illuminate the path forward for the industry. Join us as we embark on this thrilling journey of growth and collaboration. The future of lighting has never looked brighter!


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